The majestic mountains
of the Sierra Maestra, main mountain range in
Cuba, the intense blue Caribbean Sea and the
fertile plains bathed by the Cauto River make
of Granma a fan of contrasts.
This along
with its more than 40 archeological sites,
its more than 60 km of explorable caves
can caverns and many other aspects of this
region made UNESCO declared the Desembarco
del Granma National Park a World Cultural
Site .The province is known as the cradle
of nationality, it holds a rich historical
and patrimonial value, evident through traditions
as the rides in stage coaches, mainly in
Bayamo, the provincial capital.
Among its customs are celebrating the day
of the National Culture on October 20, as
a way of paying tribute to the first time
the hymn was sang in Bayamo. Granma limits
to the north with Las Tunas and Holguín;
to the west with Guacanayabo Gulf, to the
south with the Caribbean Sea and to the
east with Santiago de Cuba.
to hotels we recommend in Granma Marea del
Portillo, as to beaches, you will see the
dark colors of its sands. You will discover
the enchantments of Cayo Blanco, place with
awesome sea bottoms, get into the impressive
system of sea terraces or see the natural
reserve of El Guafe. The excursions to its
mountain ranges are one of the most appealing